Monday, April 19, 2010

Coming soon to this space

This week I'm finishing up the most insanely stressful semester of my life. No kidding. You know how every once in a while you have one of those super busy days where you don't have two extra minutes to rub together and you'd forget to breathe if your body didn't force you to? Well, I've just had 4 months of those. And it's been great, in an "at risk of losing my mind, good thing my poor children are learning to be FAR more independent, I need a trip to Europe when this is all over" kind of way. I'll have to write all about it. But in the meantime, I still have one last stack of papers to read, then one more final to inflict, and 150 exams to grade. Then I'll be fit as a fiddle and ready to blog. I just wanted to send out a bit of warning to my loyal reader(s) (however dwindled that group may be). Mom, ya still there?. I'll be back soon. Promise.


Allysha said...

Oh, hooray! I keep you in my reader for announcements such as this.

Good luck getting through finals, etc.

Sandra Tayler said...

Yay! I'm glad you've survived.

Jenna said...

I can't wait!

TARA said...

Yay! I've missed you....

Annette Lyon said...

Must be the insane beginning of 2010. You pretty much described the last couple of months for me, too.

(I say we go to Europe together.)

mindyluwho said...

Looking forward to it!

Jill said...

Glad to hear you'll be back (your blog is a favorite of mine) AND that you're contemplating Europe. Come to Germany and I'll rub your feet and feed you grapes until you feel relaxed again. Then we can party!

Anonymous said...


Pale Bear said...

Hey, none of us commenting is your mom. Just shows you are loved for you and not for hours of labor!

Nan Sheppard said...

We'll be here, waiting for your wit and wisdom!