Friday, September 17, 2010

just for the record

I finished Ramadan. I did not finish the Qur'an.

I gained a lot of knowledge and some useful insights into Islam. I lost 5 pounds.

It is easier to go all day with no food than it is to pray 5 times a day.

I would make a lousy Muslim. I think I'm a better Mormon for having done this.

Food tastes better in the light.


Anonymous said...

"I think I'm a better Mormon for having done this."

That was also one of my main takeaways when I fasted Ramadan a while ago. It's amazing how learning about other religions and cultures can help you see your own in a new light.

Allysha said...

It's great that you did this. I think you observations are interesting, esp. regarding the not eating vs the praying. I think that may be the case with me on fast sunday - easier to go without food than to put in the mental work of prayer.
I've enjoyed your insights. Thanks for sharing.

Sandra Tayler said...

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your insights.

Jill said...

Whew! You made it - well done!

TARA said...

I love this post! Short and sweet. Simple, elegant sentences....

Michelle G said...

I think you are amazing thanks for sharing this with us!