I think these photos all cry out for cute captions. But I'm still on vacation and apparently so is the cute caption writing part of my brain. Any suggestions?
This one is at Glen Canyon Dam.
The kids out in the desert.
McKay, Ethan, Tara, and the giant bag o' kettle corn at the zoo.
The itty bitty cute caption writing part of my brain is currently high on bleach and Windex fumes from cleaning. I guess I am not much help.
However, thanks for sharing the pictures! It is not often enough that we get to see your darling family. The picture of Nora in her stroller is so precious. And I don't think I have ever seen a picture of you?!?! The only picture I ever see associated with Mental Tesserae is your avatar, so that is the image I have seared on my brain. I am now glad to have the real you ingrained there :)!!
I hope the rest of your vacation goes really well!
I hate doing captions for myself, and as I am neither married to you nor expecting a paycheck for it, I won't even try to caption. Sorry. I'm selfish that way.
But I will shower you with envy and appreciation for nice photos! Going to Arizona right about now sounds like a really, really smart thing to do.
Thanks so much for the fix! ~lol~ The picture of Nora is my favourite...what a face! And it's so neat to see a picture of you - I never have before. What's amazing is how much you fit the mental picture I had of you. Love it when that happens!
That's so funny--I just passed the Glen Canyon Dam on my way back from Arizona! The warm weather was so nice. Well, until we spent two nights in Flagstaff.
Hope you have a fun trip and that yours is much less adventuresome than mine.
Nora is cute! And on the wall? Looking at it made my heart jump out of my chest:-)) have fun, enjoy the rest of your vacation. your pictures have inspired me to plan one for my family soon...
If you want "smart aleck" captions...here are some: Picture #1 - "Sign...what sign?" Picture #2 - When we grow up we want to be "this tall". Picture #3 - Hold the popcorn...now all we need is a good movie". Picture #4 "We made a mommy sandwich." Picture #5 - "Hey, I wanted to be in the picture with mommy and brothers on the train." Seriously, you have a beautiful family...enjoy them!
The kids are beautiful. You went at a good time of year. By March it's sweltering out there!
The itty bitty cute caption writing part of my brain is currently high on bleach and Windex fumes from cleaning. I guess I am not much help.
However, thanks for sharing the pictures! It is not often enough that we get to see your darling family. The picture of Nora in her stroller is so precious. And I don't think I have ever seen a picture of you?!?! The only picture I ever see associated with Mental Tesserae is your avatar, so that is the image I have seared on my brain. I am now glad to have the real you ingrained there :)!!
I hope the rest of your vacation goes really well!
No clever captions... but is so lovely to see pictures!
I love pictures. It's fun to see your kids and YOU! Enjoy the warm weather.
I hate doing captions for myself, and as I am neither married to you nor expecting a paycheck for it, I won't even try to caption. Sorry. I'm selfish that way.
But I will shower you with envy and appreciation for nice photos! Going to Arizona right about now sounds like a really, really smart thing to do.
Thanks so much for the fix! ~lol~ The picture of Nora is my favourite...what a face! And it's so neat to see a picture of you - I never have before. What's amazing is how much you fit the mental picture I had of you. Love it when that happens!
Keep havin' fun!
I loved seeing all the pictures. What a beautiful family. I loved that last one of Nora...oh my she is delicious!
Great pictures. What a relaxed vibe! I am too chilled from these pics of relaxed people to think of captions!
That's so funny--I just passed the Glen Canyon Dam on my way back from Arizona! The warm weather was so nice. Well, until we spent two nights in Flagstaff.
Hope you have a fun trip and that yours is much less adventuresome than mine.
Great pics! Have a wonderful trip!
Add me to the list of people who have never seen a picture of you before. You, my dear, are adorable. Hope you are having fun!
Oh my goodness, your kids look just like you!
P.S. I didn't know you were only 16.
Nora is cute! And on the wall? Looking at it made my heart jump out of my chest:-)) have fun, enjoy the rest of your vacation. your pictures have inspired me to plan one for my family soon...
If you want "smart aleck" captions...here are some:
Picture #1 - "Sign...what sign?"
Picture #2 - When we grow up we want to be "this tall".
Picture #3 - Hold the popcorn...now all we need is a good movie".
Picture #4 "We made a mommy sandwich."
Picture #5 - "Hey, I wanted to be in the picture with mommy and brothers on the train."
Seriously, you have a beautiful family...enjoy them!
Lovely pictures, you all look like you are having a great time, and it's nice to be able to put a face to you.
I especially like the one of the baby on the wall with the Keep off the wall sign right beneath here. :)
that would be her, not here. :)
Tag! You're It. Stop by and see what I mean. :)
Photo #1 should be captioned "Well, At Least The Baby's Face Isn't Covered With A Blanket."
I just got a real "Michael Jackson dangling a baby from the balcony" vibe from it.
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