Monday, March 03, 2008

Gabie Psychology 101

When Gabie came inside today because the older kids had left him in the dust and left him crying on the sidewalk by himself while they took off around the block, the first words out of his mouth were not "They hurt my feelings" or even "They won't play with me" but "They don't need me anymore." Oh, he so badly wants to be needed. He really is going to make a good doctor someday.


Geo said...

Wow, he sure nailed it. That is one of the most painful feelings around. Insightful guy . . . .

Anonymous said...

The other day, Ilsa came in crying because the neighbourhood bully was being mean to her.
I held her and comforted her, and then after a few minutes she stopped crying, looked around, and said, "Now, where's the boiling oil?"
She and Gabe would get on great.

Luisa Perkins said...

Oh, poor guy. It's a drag being the little one.

Ice Cream said...

My son totally won my heart when I asked him if he wanted to go to public school and he replied, "I would like it, but I think Monster Man and Sweet Terror will miss me too much. Who will play with Monster Man? And who will get stuff for Sweet Terror." I had to assure him that I would indeed take care of them while he was gone.

I hope your little guy can feel neeeded again.=)