Friday, March 16, 2007

The gospel according to Gabie

We were in the midst of another family laundry bee when I noticed that McKay’s space-shuttle pajamas have finally become too small for him. I told Gabie that he could have them next (behold the economy of 3 boys in a row). Gabie was delighted.

Gabie: "Great! I’ve wanted those pajamas for 18 years."
Ethan (11-year old Logic Tzar): "That’s impossible Gabie. You haven’t been alive that long - you’re only 5."
Gabie: "I saw them from up in heaven."

. . . . . . .

Ethan wouldn’t share his quesadilla with Gabie. An argument ensued.

Gabie: "You just broke a commandment."
Ethan: "Oh yeah, which one?"
Gabie: "Thou shalt share."

. . . . . . .

Gabie's religion - more of a buffet than a feast...

Gabie: "I don’t like that part on my scripture tapes where it says that people who don’t pay tithing are robbing God."
Mom: "Well, Gabie, we could let you pay a little tithing too. We’ll get you a special bank if you’d like. You could give away some of the money that you got for your birthday."
Gabie (after a long, pensive pause): "No. I think I just won’t listen that part anymore."


Bill C said...

Oh dear.

Right, so that's my immediate reaction and no, I have no idea what it means. Never have, and probably never will.

I'll say this though: your G-Man has wheels of diamond turning in his head. I wonder if he'll be surprised when selective listening doesn't keep him from thinking about that part he doesn't like.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John better make room for Gabie.

Miscellaneous-Mum said...

Oh, what a little star Gabie is. How do you keep a straight face? (or do you?!)

meno said...

I love the idea of him coveting pajamas from heaven.

Luisa Perkins said...

Three excellent anecdotes--thanks for the hearty laughs.

Russell Earl Kelly said...

Please don't train that wonderful child to think God curses him for not tithing. Throw the tapes away. The preacher is wrong. Malachi 1:6; 2:1 and 3:2-3 show that the culprits were dishonest ministers, not the people. Malachi 1:14 and 2:2 show that God cursed the ministers and not the people. Jesus removed the curse of the law in Galatians 3:10-13. Adn the NT nowhere commands Christians to tithe after Calvary. We give what we can from the bottom of our heart in 2 Cor 9:7. If you want to study more, check out my webb site at Russell Earl Kelly, PHD

Scribbit said...

Ha! That's kid's got a future as a Gen Authority I'd bet.

Lana said...

Hahaha (that is me laughing)
Gabie sounds so cute! what funny things to say :)

Shalee said...

That Gabie sounds like a lot of Christians I know... They too rewrite or ignore the parts that they don't like.

But he's got me laughing six ways to Sunday!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

What an old soul your sweet Gabie is. I can't think of him as a five year old, I just can't wrap my head around that.